In addition to the amazing wealth of ideas coming from the Stanglwirt's host Balthasar Hauser, another absolutely inexhaustible source of energy is constantly bubbling to the surface. Discover
The cultures of drinking tea, coffee, beer and wine, along with their countless rites and traditions, can look back on a history of celebration that goes back hundreds of years, whereas water leads an almost shadowy existence. But not at the Stanglwirt. This precious element is given the status it deserves here and this "contemporary treasure" is appreciated in an elegant setting.
Clean drinking water is regarded as a fundamental right in the Alpine region, but is a rare commodity elsewhere. In 1970, when the Stanglwirt's 280-year-old "Kreuzbrunnen" spring was to be channelled, workmen came across an artesian well, which has been supplying constantly fresh mountain water ever since.
Stanglwirt Balthasar Hauser used this happy event as an opportunity to establish a new water drinking culture in the Stanglwirt and to give refreshing spring water the same importance as all the other beverages.
The high-quality setting of the new water drinking culture at the Stanglwirt has another positive side-effect, in addition to the health benefits it brings you. By paying the symbolic amount of 2.90 euros per 1.5 litre carafe, you are supporting the charitable organisation "Menschen für Menschen" (People for People), which is building wells so that people living in the most arid regions of the world can access fresh spring water. Now, thanks to the active support of our guests and friends of the Stanglwirt, we are delighted to have been able to realise more than 8 wells in Africa.
In addition to the amazing wealth of ideas coming from the Stanglwirt's host Balthasar Hauser, another absolutely inexhaustible source of energy is constantly bubbling to the surface. The water from our very own Kaiser spring is a refreshing elixir that rejuvenates your spirit and stirs your soul. Stanglwirt spring water has an exceptional quality and is a valuable part of the hotel's sophisticated table setting.