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Trendsetters, shopping addicts and fashionistas can top off their stay at the Stanglwirt with a very special shopping experience. Just by the Kaiserstiege staircase, and covering an area of about 50 m², our well-stocked Stangl-Shop is the place for all style-conscious guests. Our very own concept store offers everything to set a fashion-lover's pulse racing, bringing together cult brands like UGG, Parajumpers, Jetset, Juvia, Grace, Princess, Rosa Cashmere and many more under one roof.
A very special
shopping experience
Our very own
concept store
For our
style-conscious guests
shopping spree
As well as lifestyle accessories, you'll also find luxury traditional dress here from Tostmann, Hammerschmid and Meindl, and the hotel's own fashion speciality: the "Stanglwirt Collection" designed by Maria Hauser herself. Our junior director's stylish fashion label features high-quality cashmeres and an informal look and can only be bought in the Stangl-Shop. Just one more reason for a relaxed shopping spree at the Stanglwirt.
Daily open from 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
The opening hour may be changed at public holidays!
Tel.: +43 (0) 5358 2000 -987
E-mail: shop@stanglwirt.com